Monday, November 26, 2007

Job Trends in Northeast Kansas

The Kansas Department of Labor lists these as the state's top five most vacant occupations:

1. Laborers & Freight, Stock & Material Movers, Hand
2. Waiters & Waitresses
3. Registered Nurses
4. Nursing Aides, Orderlies & Attendants
5. Truck Drivers, Heavy & Tractor-Trailer

The top 10 occupations expected to add the most jobs in Kansas between 2002 and 2012:

1. Registered Nurses
2. Cashiers
3. Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, including Fast Food
4. Retail Salespersons
5. Nursing Aides, Orderlies and Attendants
6. Janitors and Cleaners
7. Truck Drivers, Heavy & Tractor-Trailer
8. Customer Service Representatives
9. Waiters and Waitresses
10. Elementary School Teachers

For more information on Kansas job statistics visit:

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